Tuesday 22 January 2008

Henry Square

Anyone who has not been to Ashton for a few years will have difficulty in recognising this as Henry Square. It is in the centre of the "St Petersfield" development.

The right hand side of the photo is looking eastwards along Stamford Street. At some point in the future I will post some photos of this area before the old buildings were demolished. Out of shot to the right is the familiar bulk of the old swimming baths, still awaiting a new purpose.


  1. It's Henry Square isn't it?
    Chester Square being where St Peter's is. Where Margaret St crosses.

  2. Quite right! Whatever was I thinking of? Nobody will notice if I change it, will they?

  3. I like the architecture - and your perspective! Cheers!

  4. Thanks, Antonia! It's a bit modern for Ashton, and it looks a bit bleak, still being empty.
    The line of blocks just drew me to them and asked to be in the photograph!


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