Friday 8 February 2008

Not so old Old Fire Station

This is the fire station built to replace the 1931 station shown in Wednesday's photo. Not quite up to the same architectural standards, but probably more practical than its predecessor. However, this too is now an ex-fire station as there is an even newer station at Slate Lane, Guide Bridge.
The building in today's photo, between Welbeck Street and Margaret Street, close to Henry Square, is to be replaced with apartments.


  1. If the fire engines had only been across the road in the old old fire station I wonder if they might have got to the market a bit quicker!

  2. The street is Hodgson Street - Birthplace of James Booth, better known as George Formby snr who was born at No.26 in 1875.

  3. I should possibly have added that the view is from St Peters Street - and where the fire engines came out of was Hodgson Street.

  4. Chips, you are right that the street the fire engines came out onto is Hodgson Street, but I took the photo in Welbeck Street South. St Peters Street is off to the left, out of shot. I was standing with Henry Square behind me and the Magistrates' Court on my right.

  5. whats that tall grey thing ,

  6. The tall grey thing is a tower that was used by the firemen to practise reaching windows of multi-story buildings, climbing ladders and rescuing screaming damsels, etc. Lots of fire stations have something similar.

  7. How do you know it's not Dale street?
    I think it's Dale St!

  8. This fires station was built right across Dale Street. The Magistrates' Court is also built across part of Dale Street. There are only two small bits of Dale Street left - between Margaret Street and Richmond Street and a few yards at the back of the Friendship Inn.

  9. I am off to see Hodgson Street, or perhaps whats left of it in homage to George Formby, Snr. Who I understand ran away to Wigan at the tender age of seven because life was bleak.


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