Sunday 23 March 2008

Ashton under Snow

An extra photo today! The Memorial Gardens, War Memorial and St Michael's Parish Church, Ashton.

It looks a bit like a scene from a Christmas card, but this was Ashton today, on Easter Sunday morning!

A heavy fall of snow during the night left a white blanket over everything. The sun was soon out, however, and the snow began to melt. The snow remained on the hills right through the day, though, as you will see in tomorrow's photo.


  1. A fine snow scene - I didn't go out at all but just took photos through the window

  2. I love this photo!We were supposed to have snow overnight here in Amarillo Texas,but it looks like it found it's way to Ashton instead!

  3. A lovely photo ,we had a white Easter here in Ashton instead of a white Christmas !!!

  4. Beautiful landscape. Happy Easter!

  5. lovely pic martin ..just up my street ,it looks like someone had a good tramp through it ,i wonder if the bluebell or was it the ring a bells pub is still down the street by the side of the church,

  6. Isnt the ring o bells pub down the west end of Ashton ?

  7. Martin, you've really excelled yourself with this photograph. You seem to becoming more proficient every day........back to todays photograph, it is stunning. I have forwarded it all around the world to friends (I hope in future they will make a point of joining you every day, to enjoy the pleasure you are sharing with Ashton/England, and ex-pats all over the world). Thank You.

  8. hi its a great photograph , if they had a calendar for ashton it would be great picture for december or january ,it would also look good on a christmas card

  9. Good framing. I like very much this image.
    Saludos, Mariana C.


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