Wednesday 5 March 2008

A little touch of Winter returns

We haven't had much in the way of Winter Weather this year, but we got a quick touch yesterday. Snow overnight produced a very thin coating on the hills around Greenfield. It had all melted away an hour or so after this photo was taken!
The photo is looking across the Royal George Mills, Friezland (now housing) towards Greenfield and Chew Valley. Dovestones Reservoir is just visible in the V of the hills (above right of centre). The Huddersfield Narrow Canal can be seen behind the line of trees to the right in the foreground. The War Memorial at Pots and Pans is visible on the skyline on the extreme left. Click on photo to see a larger version.


  1. what a beautiful picture ,it does my heart good to see the white stuff ,wouldnt this go down well on a postcard ,i love it .you must be an earlt riser martin ,i got word yiu had got up to snow yesterday morning but the sun melted it quickly ,so you were quick off the mark ,

  2. I love this photograph. I have one similar. The last photogragh I took of my parents together, they were sat on a stone wall opposite The Royal George Hotel. We had been for a very hearty luncheon. Such fond memories.

  3. The scene is a little dull, I'm afraid. It would have looked nicer with sun shining on the snow-covered hills but, of course, when the sun came out it thawed the snow straight away! Maybe next year!

    The Royal George Hotel is just off the photo, half way up on the right.

  4. I think you love it because you don't have to shovel it Spinners! LOL. The heavy wet 12" of snow that fell from 7:30pm last night to 6am this morning here would look far nicer on the hills in your lovely photo Martin than it did in my driveway and on my walkways all around the house. Just got in from shovelling the back walk and my back is killing me! Anyone want that job? More on the way Thursday and Friday!

  5. Hello! Really great pictures you have here. I live in New York.


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