Tuesday 8 April 2008

Ashton Moss

If you haven't been to Ashton for a long time you might be forgiven for not recognising this as a scene on Ashton Moss. Gone are the market gardens to be replaced by Hollywood Bowl and Cine World along with various chain eateries.


  1. What on earth is a Hollywood Bowl? Crockery with George Clooney or Tom Cruise on it maybe?

  2. Hollywood is a district of Stockport between Edgeley and the river so happen its summat to do with that.

  3. A Hollywood Bowl is a modern-day version of a skittle alley!

  4. How depressing,i shan't be going there.I remember it in the early sixties and you could ride along from The Snipe inn past all the market gardens to Moorside Trotting Stadium.Anyone remember that?
    Didn't Bill Sowerbutts have a market garden on Ashton Moss?

    1. I thought it was his brother (James?) that had the market garden. I had one too next to Bill Hulme and his father Albert, a bit further along next to the crossroads.

  5. Yes Bill Sowerbutts did. The one I remember the most was the Gent family. Old Mr Gent used to come round our estate selling vegetables from a cart pulled by ponies called Corgi and Whisky. My pals and I rode our bicycles all over the Moss - it was full of small allotments growing vegetables and flowers. The trotting stadium wasn't the only place where you could find horses either.

  6. Ashton Moss was renowned for its excellent celery and other salad crops. I remember Bill Sowerbutts' stall inside the Market Hall and John Kelly's stall selling lettuces, celery, tomatoes, beetroot etc on the Market ground. Moorside Trotting Stadium was there until well into the 60s. My great grandfather was kept The Old Ball Inn is reputed to have kept trotting horses in stables at the back of the pub.

  7. I remember visiting Ashton Moss in the late sixties with my Uncle he had a pen and kept hens there his name was Leonard Cook he lived on Kenyon St and was quite a character his wife Mary bred Pomeranian dogs for shows, anyone remember them ?

  8. My name is Gary, As a child i would wonder all over the moss and play football on the moss playing fields, the soil was dark and light different from and i saw before or after in my life. I went to west end school the moss was part of our cross country course.


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