Thursday 24 April 2008

St George's Day

Yesterday was St George's Day and Tameside Council played its part in the growing movement to celebrate the day in England. Every public building in Tameside flew the white and red flag of St George and stickers were given out to every school child.

During the day, costumed stilt-walkers toured the market ground distributing silk red roses. A group of costumed "knights", pictured above in front of the Ashton Town Hall steps, visited every town in Tameside giving out roses. Mossley councillor Roy Etchells, looking on, joked that they wouldn't have got away with handing out red roses over in Yorkshire!

No dragons were in evidence. You will have to look here to see St George fighting a rather cute dragon.


  1. I travel in another century with your photo!

  2. Ah!! St George's Day a time to celebrate the patron saint of England and syphilis.

  3. Patron saint of of England but amongst other countries, Palestine, Germany and Aragon and lately of the Scout movement,also soldiers, archers and cavalry.

  4. hi i am glad they are doing more to celebrate st georges day i saw more people wearing red roses and the flag of st george being shown.

  5. Great stuff! and well done, Tameside. You wouldn't have known it was St George's Day here in Stratford on Avon although they are celebrating the Bard's 444th birthday this weekend!

  6. 27 April.The congregation of St George's church in Stalybridge celebrated the Saint with a talk about the myth and the man,2 baptisms and rousing hymns and music played by Carrbrook band. Later we toddled across to hear the band play during the afternoon at Stamford Park during the Tulip Sunday Fun Day.

  7. Great picture today, I am so glad that you had a celebration!

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