Friday 23 May 2008

Pitt and Nelson

The former "Pitt and Nelson" pub on the corner of Market Street and Old Street.

It was one of the oldest pubs in Ashton, dating from 1685, when this corner was the junction of the roads from Manchester and Oldham.

It has had a few changes of name over the years, originally being "The Smithies Arms", then "The Grapes" and "The White Hart". It became the "Pitt and Nelson" in 1807, shortly after the deaths of Admiral Lord Nelson and Prime Minister William Pitt the Younger.

The "Pitt and Nelson" closed its doors in 1989 but has since been re-born as "The Bedroom" night club.


  1. we used to have our christmas footings from the wellington mill back in the 50s in the pitt and nelson ,,i have had some great times there ,we booked the room upstairs for dinner and dance ,

  2. Hi what is achristmas footing?

  3. "The Bedroom" what a tacky name for a nightclub- not very subtle,eh?

  4. I used to go in here all the time when I was at college but when I went past it last week it was all boarded up?!?!

  5. It was still called the Pitt and Nelson when I was in college ans that was in about 2000, I think it's only been called the Bedroom for the last couple of years.

  6. When did you take the photo Martin?
    It was shuttered and up for sale last I looked, about a month ago.

  7. I took the photo in January. I have walked past it since then but can't remember seeing it boarded up. I haven't been past in the last few weeks, though.

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  8. hi wigwann,i dont know why but everyone called the christmas party a footing .i have checked google since you asked and all i can find really is ,its something to do with new years eve ,like when you have someone let in the new year its sopposed to be someone dark and is said he puts his foot in your home first in the new year hence known as first footings ,

  9. Thanks for that Spinners, I appreciate you trying to find out for me.

  10. Martin wrote:
    "Can we please not have all these "anonymous" posts?"

    It's OK with me! I only wrote one of the messages.

  11. hi i will remember the pitt and nelson it was a good old fashion pub with a few different rooms when i went in ,never went in when it was changed to bedrooms

  12. I remember a butchers at the corner of the Pitt where the main entrance into the Bedroom is now, as for the pub itself i have a few fond memories espcialy the hot dog seller across the road Oh happy days.

  13. The rumours are right. The Bedroom is boarded up and closed. Has been for a few months now. There are many business in this area that have closed. My favourite kebab shop near by has also closed.

  14. i dont agree that the pitt and nelson closed its doors in 1989, i left high school in 1988, me and the lads started going down ashton shortly after and still were, well into the late 90's, through all the good old ashton days, it was still called the pitt and nelson for ages after that, it was one of our starting points

  15. the pitt was the pitt well into tho noughtys, worked there 4 3 years untill about 2001 and have friends that worked there after that.back in the day ashton was quite a place! what went wrong? passed through not 2 long ago and all the pubs/bars where shut, cant say i miss chaplins though lol

  16. I lived there and worked behind the bar in the evenings in the early 80 when we had to have door men lol many a good night especially when it was giro day

  17. They definitely have that closing date wrong, I was drinking regularly in there well into 90's when Ashton was buzzin'


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