Friday 27 June 2008

Alphabet Friday - Biscuit Factory

It's Alphabet Friday once again and time for the second letter! "B" is for "Biscuit Factory" and Tudno Mill (or Ryecroft Mill no. 3) has for many years been the home of Hills Biscuits. The visitor approaching Ashton is often greeted by the mouth-watering smell of baking biscuits!


  1. My mum worked there. We had loads of broken biscuits

  2. This photo has brought back memories!! I can almost smell that wonderful aroma of biscuits being baked!!!

  3. I must have passed this mill hundreds of times and never knew that it was John Hill's Biscuit factory. The name is VERY familar though as we used to buy their biscuits from a stall inside the Market where the biscuits were displayed in glass topped square tins. Do you remember 'sports' biscuits and those tiny round things with icing on the top- can't remember their name!

  4. Do you mean Iced Gems, Meg.

  5. St Tudno: The patron saint of the Great Orme.

    I have lived within the smell of the works all my life - But never bought the bisciuts!

  6. hi dont they make wheatabix there now as well as biscuits , there is enough waggons come from there with the wheatabix logo on

  7. Next door Greeny at Ryecroft Foods (Ryecroft Mill No !)

  8. hi thanks for that chips , so it not john hills that make weetabix

  9. That smell always takes me right back to my childhood. We always knew we were nearly home when we smelt those yummy smells.

  10. i live right near there, and the wonderful smell when wake up each morning makes my day!

  11. You cant smell the biscuits anymore, the smell of weetabix takes over. Horrible smell it is as well.


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