Wednesday 18 June 2008

Chaddy Dams again

A different shot of Chadwick Dams, as seen last Wednesday. The chimney visible behind the trees is at Tameside Hospital. The path leads to the junction of Mossley Road and Rosehill Road.


  1. Just feet from where
    i was born

  2. Just feet from where I was born too!!!!

  3. I went with my wife to the Hospital because she needed an Amnio Centiesis, but our unborn child would not keep still so the Doctor told us to go for a walk to the Dam, it was so peacefull & calm, when we go back our (Daughter)as we found out was being very well behaved hardley moving making the Doctors job easy, i allways say it was Chaddy Dams that put our little girl at ease.

  4. What a lovely story, John171! The lads from my old school, Ashton Grammar in Darnton Rd would be sent cross country running round Chadwick Dam

  5. Just feet from where I was conveived!

  6. Is Tameside Hospital the old Lake Hospital? Because if it is, then I too was born there in 1927!! Ha-ha! Joyce

  7. Yes Joyce, it was always known as 'The Lake'

  8. Where was the old workhouse?

  9. i think the workhouse part became the geriatric wards after it was closed down ,it was the old part of the hospital .not the red bricked .i was born in the hospital there in 1932. not the workhouse. and stayed until I was 11 months old ,it was my first home lol ,,,

  10. Thge old workhouse was what became known as the infirmary, I think!

  11. Photo's and map of the workhouse:

  12. The original workhouse building stands on Fountain Street. It is a large substantial stone building, now known as Fountain House. There is a huge rebuilding project going on at the hospital, but Fountain House will be preserved. Other buildings were added to the workhouse later, these were the ones that Groovingranny refers to - they became the old geriatric wards. They were built of red bricks and were not as well built as the original house. They were demolished a number of years ago to make way for a large car park. The last of the red brick additions to the workhouse was demolished a few months ago to make way for the erection of new hospital buildings. This was the post graduate building. Sadly it also housed a kestrel nest that the birds had used for years. It wasn't in use when the demolition took place...but the birds have failed to find another nest site near by, and haven't been seen this year. They were a very familiar sight hovering over the grasslands near Chadwick Dam during the spring and summer months.

  13. if you click LINKS top right side when you first login to this site ,scroll down until you come to archives ,search for fountain street you can see lots of pics of the former workhouse ,

  14. Thank you to you all for your kind and informative answers re the Workhouse.

  15. I remember the damn very well, we would play there , fish there, and in general have some good times.
    This one particular day back in 1975-6 i was with some mates and we were playing at being jaques costau, and we were in a wee rubber dingy, well all was goodand i was in the water wanting to get back into the rubber dingy, but the other guys would not let me back in.
    I started my little swim back to the bank and was getting to a depth that allowed me to put my feet down and walk back out, well that was not to be.
    As my feet found the silty muddy bottom i thought i was all good , then it happend - i had strodden on a broken bottle, when i was out , it was quite evident that it was a serious cut, my bro Iain set off running for our house and my dad , some guy fishing on the other bank near the water overflow , rushed over and wrapped me in a towel.
    My dad arrived at the hospital, a seasoned vetran of WW2- i was screaming at the top of my lungs, my dad said it was one of the worst foot injurys he had seen since the days of war.

    I remember it well, i was in a wheel chair for around 3months, and still to this day i whince upon seeing it in my minds eye.

    yeagh good old chaddy damn eh, would not surprise me at all if there were bodies in there.


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