Saturday 21 June 2008

Market Tower

The Clock Tower of Ashton Market Hall has had most of the smoke blackening cleaned off from the fire in 2004. There are still gaping black holes where the clock faces should be. I have been assured that the clock is to be replaced and is being made in Scotland.
The tower crane that loomed over the Market Hall has now gone and most of the work currently taking place is on fitting out the inside in preparation for an opening in the Autumn.


  1. I used to love the bell which rang out from the tower every hour. I don't suppose it survived the fire. Presumably it fell to the ground and was broken. I do hope they replace it though!

  2. Great to see proof of the Market's resurrection! It's a shame they won't be able to recreate the smells of the 'old' market. Evocative- tripe, oven bottom muffins, bacon and cheese


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