Monday 16 June 2008

More Walk Pictures

More pictures from yesterday's Walk of Witness in Ashton. These two photos were taken in Stamford Street.
Several people commented to me that at one time you had to fight to get a place at the front of the crowd to get a good view of the Walk. Former Ashtonians seeing these pictures might feel like crying at the small number of spectators gathered on Stamford Street. Someone else remarked to me that there were more people walking than watching and this was undoubtedly true, even though there were fewer walkers than there would have been a few years ago.
I suspect that, as a result of the Walk moving away from the traditional Whit period, many people not involved with one of the churches no longer know when they take place.
However, at least Ashton still has its Walk, unlike a number of other places!


  1. One of the problems preventing a traditional walking day from taking place is that a "Walk" is deemed to need "protecting" or a road closure,both of which can cause to church to baulk at the expense which can be as much as £500.A joint church walk at Pentecost(Whit Walk)has become the norm because individual churches cannot afford to walk their own boundaries.Then parishes have to agree on a day Arguments rage as to whom is actually imposing this charge,the police or the local authority in this case Tameside.

  2. I have happy memories of the 'Whit Walks' in Waterloo. It was a form of 'walking' the boundaries of rhe parish, an ancient custom. There'd be people lined up all the way along Oldham Road, running out to slip a penny in your pocket 'for your new clothes' which everyone seemed to have every Whitsun regardless of financial status. After the 'Walks' it was back to Sunday School for a cup of tea and a raspberry bun!

  3. I too have many happy memories of the Whit Walks (West End & Stamford Street Methodist churches) My father was one of the organisers of the walks for the "Free Churches" during the 1960's and spent many hours working with the authorities and churches to ensure a successful "walk", keeping all parties happy!!
    Of course, in those days the shops didn't open on a Sunday, so watching the walks was something to do on a Sunday afternoon. Nowadays, shopping on a Sunday has sadly become the "thing to do".


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