Saturday 12 July 2008


This is Gleaves biscuit stall in the temporary Phoenix Market Hall in Ashton.

It looks very inviting but somehow doesn't quite have the character of the stall as it was in the old Market Hall, as seen in Meg's photo, the third one down on this page. Let's wait and see what the stall will be like when the Market Hall re-opens.


  1. I remember gleaves being inside the old market ,,a big square stall.. in the 30s the biscuits were all in tins ,the lid off and tilted so you could see which were which ,chocolate digestive ,custard creams ,jammy dodgers ,fig rolls ,the aroma took your breath away ,,of course there were always the broken biscuits as well you got them cheaper ..big families back then.. lots bought the broken biscuits for the kids ,,

  2. Looks like most of the merchandise on the back wall is sweets.
    Will the new place ever be what it once was?
    I think not.


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