Friday 19 September 2008

Alphabet Friday - Church of the Nazarene

N is for "Nazarene" and 230 Stamford Street is the address of the Church of the Nazarene.

The Church of the Nazarene is a protestant church in the Wesleyan tradition celebrating scriptural holiness. It has 14,000 congregations around the world.

Originally called Croft House, 230 Stamford Street was built around 1810 as the house of wealthy mill owner Samuel Heginbottom. At that time it stood on the edge of the town, in its own grounds and adjoining countryside. Within ten years it was swamped by the spreading urban development of Ashton.

The house then became the residence of John Ross Coulthart and later was used as the Stamford Street Wesleyan Methodist Chapel.

The building was damaged by fire in June 2008 but is now back in use as a place of worship.


  1. Really good cafe, service is great

  2. On the Tameside photo archive, an earlier Church of the Nazarene is just below Kenworthy's jewellers, 226 Stamford St. which would probably make the church 230. The building in your photo is also 230 but nearer the Cockbrook end.
    I cannot remember the building in your photo being a Methodist Chuch. I lived in Ashton until 1970.When did it cease to be so ?
    I can't get my head round this !
    Incidentally, I have relatives mentioned in the Stamford St. Wes. Meths. records on the Lancs. Parish Clerks site.


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