Thursday 9 October 2008

Phone Boxes

This scene shows two modern phone boxes with a brick Royal Mail post box in between.

These are situated on a well-cared for pocket of open land on the corner of Whiteacre Road and Crickets Lane (at the top of Penny Meadow).

The traditional red British phone boxes are becoming increasingly rare as the more modern designs are easier to maintain.

See Google Aerial View of this location.


  1. I spent quite a bit of time in that telephone booth back in the sixties ,my husband worked away and i used to walk up penny meadow from glebe st to phone him at his hotel ,no one had home phones back then only the idle rich ,

  2. A fine example depicting outside plumbing.

  3. Another walk down memory lane, I grew up at 315 Whiteacre Road, and believe it or not, I miss it.
    I have been in Canada for over 30 years, and love this web site as it brings me closer to home.

    Thank you, and please, if you have any other pictures of Whiteacre road, can you post them

    Philip Dawson


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