Thursday 27 November 2008

Latchford Street (2)

Today we pay a second visit to Latchford Street, which we saw in April.

This view is looking west from Elgin Street, across Minto Street, to Oldham Road and the Lych Gate at Christ Church.

See Google Aerial View of this location.
See LiveSearch Birds Eye View of this location.


  1. Enjoy these while you can!
    These are fast becoming a thing of the past as Ashton moves to more modern housing.

    A great picture by the way!

    Wishing everyone a great Thanksgiving!

  2. Just out of curiosity: are most buildings there made out of red brick? I find it interesting, because it's not a common building material here in the Philippines.

  3. Hi Hilda
    In this part of the country (the North West) the most common building material is redbrick although in the next county, Yorkshire, may houses are made from stone.


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