Friday 12 December 2008

Alphabet Friday - Yeti

"Y" is for "Yeti" - sometimes known as The Abominable Snowman! It is not often that one discovers a yeti in Ashton, so it was a happy coincidence that, just before "Y" came along on the Alphabet Friday slot that I spotted this one in The Arcades shopping mall in Ashton.

Yesterday's photo gave a flavour of the Christmassy feel of the place at the moment and the focal spot under the dome, once the home of the brown Black Knight statue, is occupied by this non-traditional Christmas tableau. The yeti, the baby seals and some sort of giant snowball all move around to the sound of seasonal music.


  1. I don't get it!
    Is this somehow related to the Choir that got canceled from the winter fest holiday concert because it was felt their songs were too Christian?
    Yeti! Seals, where is this going?
    Is it a promotion for refrigerators?

  2. I too wonder how the yeti comes to be featured but then in Hyde we have an artificial snow peak labeled "North Pole" and occupied by penguins. The world really is upside down.

  3. Christmas is all about the Incarnation, God becoming man ie the Birth of Christ. I hate these attempts to secularise it, just try it with a Moslem festival and see where it would lead!
    It seems to me that now more than ever the world needs reminding what this Season is all about!

  4. I have been somewhat baffled by this strange being and its relevence to the Christmas festivities. It reminds me of a comment I heard in the card shop near this display,some years ago when a lady was searching the cards on the Christmas card display looking for something non-religious. She said relgion gets in everything these days!


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