Wednesday 24 December 2008

Arcadian Christmas Tree

As we have a last-minute dash around the shops of Ashton searching for that elusive present, let us pause to look from another angle at the superb decorations in The Arcades shopping mall.

From this angle we can see the white Christmas tree on the landing of the steps.

On a sadder note it is time to say goodbye to Woolworths, which will be closing down for good on 27th December. Please spare a thought for all the hard-working staff whose Christmas will not be so happy this year. Let's hope that the store space will soon be taken on by another retailer and that some of the staff might find new jobs there.


  1. good composition with the tree and woolies behind - who will follow them indeed - we have enough trashy £ shops already.

  2. I remember Woolworths as a magical place at Christmas when I was a child - all those decorations for sale on flat display counters! When I was in my teens there was a power cut in Ashton one day and they lit the old gas lights which were still operational - first time I'd seen anything like that.

  3. The demise of Woolworths is indeed sad. I cannot imagine here who will take over the premises. Such a sad scene when put in context. Merry christmas to you.


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