Sunday 21 December 2008

Mossley in the Rain

This photo sort of sums up the wet and windy wintery weather of the last few days!

It shows Stamford Street in Mossley, with the Market Place and the library to the left. You can also see some of Mossley's Christmas illuminations (the stars on the lamp posts).

Mossley, being a fair bit higher up than Ashton, usually seems to have wetter and windier weather than Ashton, even though it's only three miles away!

The camera wasn't too keen on the driving rain and the lens began misting, which produced the slightly interesting effect around the street lights, in case you thought I'd used some sort of technical wizardry!

See Google Aerial View of this location.


  1. There's a beauty to this scene that gets often missed.

  2. Sometimes the horrible rain makes a pretty image like this with the light bouncing off the pavement.

  3. Fantastic photo- so atmospheric! I loved it.


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