Tuesday 27 January 2009

Another one bites the dust...

Another bit of industrial Ashton bites the dust as the demolition men move in to pull down this small factory. The lettering on the red door proclaims "Alfred Pearson & Son Ltd, Hillgate St. Works, Reclaimed Textile Processors".

The site is being cleared to build a replacement for the Markazi Jamia Mosque in Newton Street, off Penny Meadow. The present mosque, in the former St Mary's School building, is to be demolished to make way for part of the Ashton Northern Bypass road.

See Google Aerial View of this location.
See LiveSearch Birds Eye View of this location.


  1. Ashtonian - I have added a link to a simple map of the Northern Bypass route.

    The last stage will run from the Prince of Orange, alongside the railway to Penny Meadow, where it will connect to Arlington Street and the Telephone Exchange roundabout.

    For more information you would have to search Tameside's web site. There isn't a single page with all the information about this road.

  2. Oh no! Not more of my childhood memories disappearing under an ocean of tarmac. I have been browsing LiveSearch recently in and around Ashton and I'm stunned at the sheer number of bypasses and feeder roads that have been built. If I ever go back I will definitely need Sat Nav.

  3. Another bypass road we can do without taking a lot of our heritage with it, i live in very close proximity to the new road & not one letter through the door asking what we think about it, it really does get on your nerves but the powers that be just don't care.
    Ashton has a bypass already if its not working why didnt they just improve it. Sorry to go on.

  4. Sad to see all this old industrial heritage go. There are a fair few derelict industrial buildings not far from me - they'll either be developed into (even more) posh flats or knocked down, I guess.

  5. It's sad on all counts. No more by passes. sadly more industrial heritage will be lost this year.


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