Friday 30 January 2009

Sky Watch: Fade to Grey

Sky Watch? Where's the sky? It's disappeared in the fog!

Or, put it another way - the sky has come down to earth and engulfed Ashton in clouds!

Ashton is not often foggy so this view makes the tower of the Old Baths look mysterious as it fades away pointing to where the sky should be.

The photo is looking westwards along Stamford Street towards Henry Square from the junction with Bentinck Street. The scene is completely different from how it would have been a few years ago, when both sides of the street were lined with small shops. The Old Baths is the only feature that will be familiar to anyone who has not been to Ashton for a while!

See Google Aerial View of this location before the redevelopment.
See recent LiveSearch Birds Eye View of this location.

Sky Watch is the new Friday feature on this photo blog. It will link with websites all over the world with the general theme each week of looking upwards. Please take the opportunity to visit some of these other sites. I hope some new visitors have found their way here today, watching the skies!


  1. I hope they find there way too. An image that needs more than one viewing. On first viewing you assume a monochrome , then you spot the blush of colour. Very atmospheric with an excellent perspective.

  2. For many, a complete and utter unrecognisable photograph.

  3. Also, a two way street again after how many years?

  4. I love fog shots. Everything looks so different when engulfed in a little fog, as if nothing else exists beyond what you can see.

  5. I love foggy shots, that is a great picture. Thanks for sharing.

    Cheers and have a great weekend!
    Regina In Pictures

  6. This is a great foggy/misty photo. I like the sense of mystery.
    Happy SWF.

  7. The church is lost in the fog -- it is a shame how they ran the area down to pre-empt the demoliton.

  8. Fortunately, the serious fogs of the past are history but there was a time when the chimney wouldn't have appeared on the photo.

    Travelling by trolley bus on a foggy night, you always knew when you'd passed the baths when the trolleys came off the wires and the bus stopped because the driver couldn't see the bend in the road.

  9. hi it reminds me of a photograph that was in the reporter in the late 50s it sowed ashton baths dark dingy with fog , and one was taken at the same time up mossley road which showed clear skies , it must be a fog trap down that end of ashton

  10. Memories are made of this! Lived behind the Baths as a child in the 40's & 50's, and the whole area was often enveloped in 'smog', combined with the thick black smoke belching from the Tudor mill. Couldn't see the pavement beneath you. Real bronchitis weather!!

  11. Brilliant atmospheric shot. Well done, Martin! reminds me of the Manchester paintings of Adolfe Valette- also usually painred with a foggy background.
    I remember those pea-soupers of the 50s and early 60s when the bus would stop at Guide Bridge and we had to walk the rest of the way. Walked 7 miles to Ardwick Green in thick fog about 1964 to see The Beatles!!

  12. Thats certainly a foog sky.

  13. What a great photo, the fog adds an air of mystery. Your blog is wonderful. Thanks for sharing. Smiles

  14. Does anybody notice the trees? They are standing so correctly there in the fog...good perspective.

  15. That's a very atmospheric photo. I thought it was B&W to start with.

  16. What a beautiful, foggy picture of a cityscape. I really like it.
    Thanks for visting my site.

  17. That is such a great photo - well done!


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