Thursday 5 February 2009

Fun in the Snow

With some of the local schools being closed during this week's wintry weather, some of the older children took themselves off to Daisy Nook Country Park to have a bit of fun in the snow.

Between Waterhouses Locks and the Fairbottom Branch of the canal, a grassy slope proves ideal for sledging. Children don't make home-made sledges from odd bits of wood, as they once might have, but instead buy ready-made plastic sliding devices. These are just as much fun when it comes to sliding down the hill, but don't hurt so much if they land on top of you when you fall off at the bottom!

See Google Aerial View of this location.
See LiveSearch Birds Eye View of this location.


  1. It's been great for kids to play in the snow this week. We may not see this amount again for 20 + years! Whereas when I was a child it was very winter that we'd get out the heavy wooden sledge our grandad made and sledge downhill on our road, the only thing to stop you was the lamp post at the bottom. The road surface was just a sheet of ice- good job no-one had cars as they'd never have made it up the hill.


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