Thursday 26 February 2009

Sky Watch: Henry Square

You can't help but look upwards in Henry Square, as it is dominated by the 120 foot high Byzantine-style tower of the Old Swimming Baths.

There are various views about what should happen to this iconic 140-year old building, for which many Ashtonians hold much affection. The problem is finding a suitable new use for the huge building, which stands in the St Petersfield redevelopment area.

The tower helps to frame the clouds that hang low in the otherwise clear sky.

Clicking on the photo to see the larger version will show a distant glimpse of the Pennine moorland above Stalybridge.

See Google Aerial View of this location before the new building was constructed.
See fairly recent LiveSearch Birds Eye View of this location.

Sky Watch is the regular Friday feature on this photo blog. It links with websites all over the world with the general theme each week of looking upwards. Please take the opportunity to visit some of these other sites. I hope some new visitors have found their way here today, watching the skies!


  1. Apart from the cost of restoring a building that's been neglected for so long, there's the question of what effect its present appearance will have on businesses thinking of moving into the St. Petersfield area.

    The market hall restoration has been successful, in part, because the new building fulfils the same function as before. What purpose could the baths' building serve? It would be interesting to see what architects think.

    P.S. It's rumoured that the tree that grew on top of the chimney was to be replanted until someone said they'd need a 140ft hole to accommodate the roots.

  2. Very nice picture and scene. :)

  3. Beautiful - the old with the new.

  4. Great photo of contrasts. In the states, we don't worry so much about old buildings, unfortunately, we just tear them down and put up ticky-tacky houses.

  5. That's a beautiful shot. The sky is so lovely and the tower and buildings are also very interesting.

  6. Love the cloud formations and the old against the new.

  7. The tower and building as so interesting! I sure hope they find a new use for it. It seems like a waste otherwise. Happy Sky Watching!

  8. Being the skeptic I am I wouldn't be surprised if a )ewi$& stock take didn't solve the problem,it seems to happen to often to be a coincidence.

  9. Hi! I found you through a fellow doggie blogger who participates in Skywatch Friday. Beautiful photos on your site - very interesting.

  10. One reason I love mainland Europe is older building are embracd as faded beauty and not neglected. Why can't we do the smae here. I hope it has a broght future but I fear not. Lovely billowing clouds.

  11. We have lost far to many old stacks hope they keep this one nice contrast old and new and nice sky too. XXX Don down south in Margate

  12. Love the old, the new and the fluffy clouds!


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