Wednesday 15 April 2009

Crowhill Shops

Today's photo shows the shops on Crowhill Road. It is looking from the junction with Ambleside Avenue towards Keswick Avenue.

Apart from Richmond Street and Crowhill Road itself, most roads on the Crowhill estate are named after places in the Lake District.

See Google Aerial View of this location.
See LiveSearch Birds Eye View of this location.


  1. An interesting picture this morning. I used to play around there as my Gran lived around the corner.

    All the best,

    An Ashtoner living in Zurich, Switzerland.

  2. Used to be a great Chip shop at the far end of these shops if I re call.

    Had to take Dad's football pools money over to a chap in Crowhill and always stopped for a bag of chips for the walk home over the fields to Lumb Lane.


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