Sunday 21 June 2009

2009 Whit Walks

Today, being the third Sunday of June, saw Ashton's united Walk of Witness, usually called the Whit Walks. The threat of drizzle that was forecast proved incorrect and it was dry and at times sunny during the afternoon.

Contingents from most of Ashton's churches converged on Cowhill Lane to take part in a united service. After that it was St Michael's and St Gabriel's turn to lead the united walk around the town.

The route took them up Penny Meadow, down Old Cross Street, along Stamford Street and Booth Street, after which each church went its separate way back to its own parish.

Clicking on a photo will show a bigger version. Click your "back" button to return here.

More photos from this year's Whit Walks can be seen here on the Ashton website.

1 comment:

  1. Now this could be here. Not Whit walks but our own quirky traditions.


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