Tuesday 16 June 2009

Lyndhurst Re-visited

Eighteen months ago I posted a photo of Lyndhurst, the derelict Victorian house on Broadoak Road, built in 1883.

The architect who designed the house was John Eaton, who had also designed the Town Hall extension, the Central Library and the section of the Market Hall that included the clock tower, as well as Dukinfield Town Hall.

At one time there was a proposal to turn Lyndhurst into something like a care home but it has been found that there is a covenant on the house which states that it should always remain a single family house.

The windows and doors had fine stained glass and in the hallway, lettering in the stained glass read: "Welcome to coming, speed the parting guests", whatever that may have meant!

More about the house, including a photo showing it in better days, can be found here. (.pdf file - see article on page 9)

When I posted the previous photo of the house, there were a number of comments made, several expressing anger that the house had been allowed to decline into such a state.

Nothing much has changed in the last 18 months other than the house has sunk a little further into decline. More tiles are gone from the roof. The ivy is creeping further over the wall and windows. There is evidence of further entries by intruders. By contrast, someone has cut the grass and trimmed the front hedge recently, so at least that aspect of the property is looking better.

See Google Aerial View of this location.
See LiveSearch Birds Eye View of this location.


  1. It is a shame that it has gone to rack and ruin as it's a beautiful property. But I guess, seeing as we're struggling financially as a nation it'll be a fair time before anyone can fund the refurb of it.

  2. Isn't it strange - you drop a fag end on the pavement and get fined £60 - You let a property go to ruin bringing neighbouring house prices down and nothing is done about it.

  3. There's a science series on here called "Life without People" very interesting actually, It speculates what it would be like if people were gone. It doesn't involve itself with what happened to people, instead showing how things would be without people. There are a few places in reality where buildings have been abandoned for forty or fifty years, usaually on islands.

    Which brings me to my point, now the the roof has a hole in it, rapid deterioration will ensue.
    Multiple freeze,thaw cycles will break up the building and it will eventually fall down.

  4. just the sort of thing required to break the covenant.This has happened so many times it's embarrassing.Just wait for the re-zoning application and see who will benefit.
    Money IS the root of all evil
    Just the same jist as my other post.

  5. I'm absolutely disgusted that our council has allowed this to happen, to one that was once gloreous. It looks like the heart of ashton is being ripped out right in front of our eyes. Shame on you.

  6. Does anyone know who owns this property? Thanks

    1. You'll see this photo was posted a few years ago, Rosie. The house now has new owners who have spent as lot of money putting it right.


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