Monday 21 September 2009

Mossley on Monday: Toll House

Today's photo shows the former toll house on Manchester Road in Mossley.

Manchester Road was built in 1825 by a private turnpike trust who charged tolls for users of the road. A gate or bar blocked the road, which was opened on payment of the toll. The toll gate keeper lived in the cottage so that he was available throughout the day.

Before 1825 there was no road running along the valley bottom. The earlier turnpike roads, Stockport Road and Huddersfield Road had run high up along the valley sides.

See Google Aerial View of this location.
See Birds Eye View of this location.


  1. That toll house looks like it has lots of history. In the USA, we talk about tollhouse cookies!

  2. Fantastic historical subject.

    You know, it's only a question of time before tolls are re introduced on all roads.


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