Monday 9 November 2009

Ashton Moss North Junction

This is a view of Ashton Moss North Junction, seen from Richmond Street, on the western edge of Ashton. The photo is looking westwards, with the high-rise buildings in the centre of Manchester visible in the distance. The train is heading from Ashton towards Victoria Station in Manchester.

The signal box stands in the middle of the junction, with one of the tracks branching off to the left in front of the box and the other line passing behind it. The line to the left goes to Stockport and is used by freight trains.

To the right of the picture is a corner of Richmond Street Playing Fields. Ashton Cricket Club's ground is out of sight to the left.

"Ashton Moss North Junction" is my contribution to this week's "My World" feature. Please check out the other blogs participating in this week's My World.

See Birds Eye View of this location.


  1. A really interesting look at your world! I love trains, and travel by rail whenever I can. We had a marvelous rail system in Portland that was great for local travel, but unfortunately, Seattle is behind in the area.

    Have a great week!


  2. I really love this shot. It's very well composed and offers a of isolation amidst distant urban areas.

  3. Interesting view. Were you standing on a bridge when you took this photo?

  4. Trains fascinate me -- everything about the them ... the rails, the cars, the engines ... where they travel ... Fun shot!

  5. Very nice. I love trains and switch yards.

  6. I know this sounds silly, but it does look so English of times gone by, of The Railway children and Thomas the Tank Engine. Such a nostalgic shot.

  7. There's something about train tracks that always gets my attention. Maybe the prospect of travelling to new places, a sense of freedom?
    Anyhow, love your photo!

  8. Nice picture with this little building on the left.

  9. Here's a little known fact concerning this very location.

    This bridge of stone contains a matchbox car of mine dropped in a gap in 1962!

    If you were to remove the stones near the bottom of this bridge you would fine the remains of my little car.


    A great view of old times at this very spot

  11. Great railway site here, I have seen recently taken photos of special steam trains that could have easily been taken in the 1950s or 60s. Network Rail have recently renewed the signal structure on the right in the same mechanical form. Unfortunately the Health and Safety brigade have ruined the structure with ugly ladders.


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