Thursday 5 November 2009

Sky Watch: Waterlogged

This week's Sky Watch has a little more sky than normal - it includes a reflection in a giant puddle that appeared on Richmond Street Playing Fields, on the western edge of Ashton, following heavy rain earlier this week.

Let's hope that the crowds flocking here this evening to see the organised firework display are careful where they walk in the dark!

The fireworks start at 8.00 pm. Park at CineWorld if arriving by car. If it rains much more this week they may have to change the musical track from Handel's Fireworks Music to Handel's Water Music!

See Google Aerial View of this location.
See Birds Eye View of this location.

Sky Watch is a regular weekly feature on this photo blog. It will link with websites all over the world with the general theme each week of looking upwards. Please take the opportunity to visit some of these other sites. I hope some new visitors have found their way here today, watching the skies!


  1. hi where is the bunty going , its a bit wet under foot

  2. It has been bucketing down in Ashton this afternoon - I got soaked between Wilkinsons and the Bus Station - I wouldn't care to tramping over those playing fields in the dark.

  3. Terrific shot! And I do love the reflections! We're getting thoroughly soaked here in Seattle as the rainy fall season settles in.

    Have a great weekend and stay dry!


  4. Gosh, I'll always remember the Barrets Bunty from the 1960's on Katherine St and Welbeck St.
    It was built from hundreds of wooden pallets.
    It were Grand.

  5. That puddle could make for damp viewing of the fireworks but fun to see the sky reflected. Thanks for sharing with Sky Watch Friday.

  6. At least the puddle made a great photo-motif. Wanderful reflections :)

  7. Beautiful reflections. I love the colours in the picture.

  8. That's a great photo. Love the reflection. Good luck with the fireworks!

  9. Gorgeous sky shot. Love the reflection.

  10. At least the wet will reduce any fire danger. Here we no longer are allowed to have fireworks as we are already in the total fire ban season. It used to be such fun for the children and adults as well with boys scaring passers by with a few bangers thrown on the footpath.

  11. Very cool reflections...I'm sort of a sucker for those :-)

    Great shot and I hope all cleared up by fireworks time !!

  12. That is one big puddle! You caught the light so well.

  13. very well captured....awesome shot! mine is up too...:)

    btw, I would like to ask a favor if you could help us vote for my daughter…if you have time….your help is much appreciated….thanks!

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