Tuesday 22 December 2009

Wintry Waterside

Another double-bill of snow photos today - this time down by the canal. This is the scene at Portland Basin, looking across the Ashton Canal, past the historic wooden boats towards the stone bridge at the junction leading to the Peak Forest Canal.

See Birds Eye View of this location.

The second view is of the Peak Forest Canal from the entrance to Portland Basin Marina.

See Birds Eye View of this location.


  1. Excellent photos Martin. Really captures the hard coldness of the Ashton canal in winter.

  2. You nailed it in the one of the Peak Forest Canal
    Simply marvelous

  3. It’s that time of year again! I’m doing the rounds and apologising for my complete failure to more regularly offer comment on everybody’s incredible efforts for the year. I know how hard it can be to keep up with the daily grind of everyday posting, and want to thank you for your efforts.

    I especially want to wish festive greetings for all from down here at [nearly] the end of the world, the bottom of Tasmania.

    So, if you could delete whatever is not applicable, I’d like to wish you a very pleasant/merry/happy/wonderful/safe Amaterasu; Ashurall; Beiwe; Choimus; Christmas; Dazh Boh; Dongzhi; Goru; Hanukkah; Hogmanay; Junkanoo; Karachun; Koleda; Lenæa; Meán Geimhridh; Modranicht; New Years; Ras as-Sana; Rozhanitsa Feast; Şeva Zistanê; shōgatsu; Summer Solstice [if you're in the Southern Hemisphere]; Sviatki; Winter solstice [if you're in the Northern Hemisphere]; Yalda; Yule-tide; Ziemassvētki; and Коляда!

    With a hearty three cheers from Kris, Jen, Henry and Ezra!

  4. hi martin the one with the boats on at portland basin , the pictures capture the winter and how bleak it can be ,but the sun shining on the boats changes all that


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