Wednesday 10 March 2010

Harper Mill

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"H" is for "Harper Mill" which is one of Ashton's former cotton spinning mills and dates from 1855.

There were more than 80 cotton mills in Ashton but now only a dozen or so remain, and these have all been converted to other uses.

Harper Mill has been converted into stylish modern apartments, complemented by an adjoining modern block to make best use of the site.

We saw a photo of Harper Mill from the other side last January and we saw the largest mill built in Ashton only a few days ago.

See Birds Eye View of this location.

"Harper Mill" is a contribution to ABC Wednesday. For more "H" posts from around the world please follow this link.

Sorry this week's ABC entry is a little late coming but Blogger wasn't working when I tried earlier!


  1. That is so cool a mill to a very good looking apartments.

    H for Hairdo

  2. great idea turning these redundant mills into flats,instead of pulling them down,they were built to house heavy machinery so should withstand day to day living.

  3. A lot of old buildings make great conversions and this is an example of elegance.

  4. Reusing buildings like that is so much more ecologically sound most of the time. Bravo!

    On behalf of the ABC Wednesday team, thank you! - Ramblin' with Roger

  5. I see you managed to capture the time when our front doors were boarded up after the vandals had paid a visit!


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