Thursday 24 June 2010

Sky Watch: Oldham Skyline

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This was the evening sky a couple of nights ago, looking towards Oldham from the fields between Knott Hill and Lily Lanes, on the slopes above Ashton.

The tall building just right of centre is the Oldham Council office building. In the far distance are the hills to the north of Bolton and Bury.

I was totally fascinated by the extraordinary textures of cloud in the sky that night. It felt somewhat unworldly to be walking through the hills on such an evening. No doubt another photo from that evening will be appearing here before long!

See Birds Eye View of this location.

Sky Watch is a regular weekly feature on this photo blog. It links with websites all over the world with the general theme each week of looking upwards. Please take the opportunity to visit some of these other sites. I hope some new visitors have found their way here today, watching the skies. You are most welcome!


  1. Gorgeous sunset, terrific capture! Such breathtaking colors! Such a lovely way to end the day! Hope you have a great weekend!


  2. Beautiful SkyWatch photo

    Have a nice weekend

  3. Wonderful pfoto, cute colours.

  4. OMG that is so gorgeous sky! Happy weekend!

    SWF~Tell me~

  5. I see what you mean about the cloud texture, fascinating!


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