Tuesday 29 June 2010

"X" Marks The Flower Bed

(Click photo for larger version. Press Back button to return here.)

"X" is for, er... well, an "x"-shaped cross formed by miniature hedges! This design appears in the flower beds in Armentieres Square in Stalybridge, two miles east of Ashton.

Interesting though this botanical feature might be, also of interest is the iron beam in the background. It bears the words "Stalybridge Armentieres, 1955 - 2005, 50 Years of Friendship" and celebrates the twinning of the two towns. The beam was salvaged from the demolition of part of nearby Longlands Mill. It is an inverted T-shaped fish-backed beam which, at 8.8 metres long, was pushing the boundary for the maximum span for this type of material in the mid 19th century.

Stalybridge and Armentieres both have wartime musical associations. Armentieres features in the song "Mademoiselle from Armentieres", which was popular in the First World War. Stalybridge was where Jack Judge wrote the music hall song "It's a Long Way to Tipperary" which was also popular in the First World War.

See Birds Eye View of this location.

"X Marks The Flower Bed" is a contribution to ABC Wednesday. For more "X" posts from around the world please follow this link.


  1. Interesting info. I have heard those songs but never really thought about the places being real.
    Love the hedge X.

  2. like the X; may not have recognized it as such. pretty.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  3. Lovely photo and the historical aspect was fun.

  4. I love the curly hedge in the middle of the X - almost like a handle. :) Excellent post.

  5. good take for X. Makes me think not only your X marks the location, the digger is spot on in the middle.

  6. It's a beautiful flower bed, but I have to admit that it's the first time I've seen one designed with an X. I like the corkscrew topiary.

  7. That's a very nice interpretation of the letter !
    Gattina ABC Team

  8. Lovely hedge! X is such a difficult letter, with few useable words, that I think that X-shaped things such as your hedge should definitely be allowed. There is already one link to a photo of an X-shaped stand for a keg of sherry!
    Best wishes,
    Anna's X-words


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