Tuesday 24 August 2010


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"F" is for "Fireplace" and today's photo shows the rather grand fireplace in the Mayor's Parlour inside Ashton's Town Hall.

The Mayor's Parlour is a plush room that is used by the Mayor for entertaining guests, including important visitors to the town, or humble citizens such as myself when I was part of a group invited by the Mayor.

The fire guard is embellished with Ashton's Coat of Arms.

"Fireplace" is a contribution to ABC Wednesday. For more "F" posts from around the world please follow this link.


  1. is this like an antique fireplace, Ashton? :) coz i'm not seeing any cavity for the wood.. it does look very lovely though..!

    My ABCW Post

  2. Beautiful, fabulous fireplace!

  3. I love fireplaces and this one is soooo beautiful! Great word for the day!


  4. Leo - the hearth where the coal is burnt is behind the fire guard with the Coat of Arms on it. You can see a handle at the top for lifting it aside.

    And yes - it is what you would call antique, as it was probably made when the Town Hall was opened in 1840.

  5. What a lovely fireplace, great F ;)

  6. What an elegant antique fireplace. Very beautiful.

  7. The most beautiful fireplace I've ever seen

    On behalf of ABC Wednesday team, thank you! - ROG

  8. What a magnificient fireplace. The carved mantle is stunning.

  9. That is a grand fireplace indeed. Makes me want to get up close and inspect the figurines and carvings and feel the beautiful wood. Just gorgeous.

  10. In these times austerity would it be for sale?

  11. It's a very charming fireplace!
    Beautiful picture!
    Léia - Bonjour Luxembourg

  12. I think it demonstrates perfectly the grandiose and confident ideas of the Victorians. Whilst the fireplace is not to my taste, being rather over the top, I must admit it's pretty impressive.


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