Tuesday 12 October 2010


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"M" is for "Memorial" and today's photo shows Ashton's War memorial in the Memorial Gardens, with the Parish Church in the background.

The Memorial will be a focus of attention in a month's time when people come to lay poppy wreaths in memory of those who have given their lives for their country in various conflicts in the last hundred years.

See Birds Eye View of this location. See Google Street View of this location.

"Memorial" is a contribution to ABC Wednesday. For more "M" posts from around the world please follow this link.
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  1. Beautiful monument and a wonderful place to pay tribute to the men and women who have given their lives for their country! Great post for the M Day!


  2. There must be so many of those memorials in England. I know every town and village in Canada has one, too. Wonderful post for the letter M.

    Kay, Alberta

  3. Memorials are so important for giving homage to those that gave their lives for their country. A perfect choice for the letter M.

  4. just thinking about just how many war memorials there are in the world makes me a tad melancholy. lovely, tho.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  5. Everywhere there are memorials, but none as remarkable as those in Europe. We have ours and will have a ceremony on Nov 11, but somehow it doesn't seem real to those of us who never experienced war in this country like those in Europe.

  6. "To our glorious dead"

  7. Beautiful memorials, beautiful setting, great choice for M...
    M is for me...

  8. It is a stunning memorial.

    Donna - ABC Wednesday

  9. That's a very grand memorial. I like the way it echoes the church tower.

  10. I simply love English monuments! if I come, will you show me around?


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