Monday 4 October 2010

Rain, Rain

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"Rain, rain, go away!" was the general sentiment in Ashton over the past few days, as "My World" became Waterworld and it seemed as if it would never stop raining.

The Manchester area has a reputation for having a lot of rain but it is not as wet as is often supposed, as can be seen from the majority of photos on this blog!

In fact Manchester is the 9th wettest city in Britain. Swansea (not far from the location of the recent Ryder Cup golf tournament) is the wettest with an average of 53 inches of rain each year. This compares with 31.5 inches for Manchester. Mind you, I suppose Manchester would seem wet when compared with Cambridge, which only gets around 22 inches of rain each year.

And if you thought Swansea is wet, more than twice as much rain falls in some parts of the Scottish Highlands, with up to 118 inches of rain annually.

That was little consolation in rain-soaked Ashton in the last few days, though! Incidentally, the photo shows a damp Warrington Street, looking towards Old Street from near the Old Post Office.

"Rain, Rain" is my contribution to this week's "My World" feature. Please check out the other blogs participating in this week's My World.


  1. I come from England originally so recognize those wet days. And yes - it feels as if it rains in Scotland nearly every day!

  2. You deserve to see some sun so I hope the rain goes away very soon!

  3. I live in Washington state and I do know about rain -- a lot of rain! There's always beauty though! Have a great week!


  4. WE don't see rain like this very often unfortunately.

  5. Your weather must have come this way, it's been raining for days.

  6. It's funny. We want to come the rains here and it always miss us.

  7. We get 10" average down here near San Diego, but we have had drizzle all day today. Highly unusual for us. Tonight my husband gets in from Micronesia where they get 300" a year. When it rains there it comes down so hard you can hardly breathe. That's a nice colorful picture in spite of the rain.

  8. Cambridge for me, then, even if my heart is in the Highlands. Wet weather does not agree with me, which is why I had to leave my beautiful British Columbia coast. Then, this year, southeastern Alberta had its wettest summer ever, so who's to say that with the changes in weather patterns, maybe BC and the Scottish Highlands might not dry out? ;~)

    Kay, Alberta


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