Wednesday 20 April 2011

Newton Hall

"N" is for "Newton Hall" and today's photo shows the interior of Newton Hall, situated alongside the busy A627 road one mile north of Hyde and two miles south of Ashton.

Newton Hall is a cruck-framed medieval hall built around 1380. It would have been home to the de Newton family. The cruck style of building is of Celtic origin and was often used in Western and Northern parts of Britain. It consists of huge cruck-frames attached to oak-framed walls with wattle and daub infill panels.

The building had undergone some modernisation and it was not realised that the structure was so old. In 1968 the site was being cleared for re-development and demolition of the building started. When the timbers were discovered the demolition was halted.

The later additions were carefully stripped away and the building painstakingly restored using as much of the original as possible. Around 35 percent of the timbers are original with English Oak being used for replica parts. The structure is fastened together in the traditional manner using mortice and tenon joints fixed with oak pegs.

(Click photo for larger version. Press Back button to return here.)

See Google Street View of this location.

"Newton Hall" is a contribution to ABC Wednesday. For more "N" posts from around the world please follow this link.
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  1. love that building structure.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  2. You must have been on one of the Heritage Open Days - I did N for Newton Hall three years ago - By contrast Steve Bennett stores his rockets in the industrial units behind the hall. Please note that Hyde Dp has a new URL

  3. Oh, it's beautiful. I'm so glad the demolition was halted before the entire hall was destroyed.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  4. Cruck-framed is a word I haven't heard before. It is a beautiful hall. I'm so glad it was re-constructed as it was originally.


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