Monday 4 July 2011

Bank Top

Followers of this blog may be surprised that today's photo is of a location in Ashton. Not only that, but the location is only a quarter of a mile from the Parish Church!

Bank Top is a little oasis of green sandwiched between the residential area of Currier Lane and the industrial area of Whitelands Road.

The area was known as Bank Top because to one side it dropped away steeply towards the River Tame. It was in between two sets of railway tracks (one of which is longer there) which separated it from developments on either side, so that the area was not built on. For some years the land was used as playing fields by the nearby Parochial School (the primary school of the Parish Church).

In recent years the area has been planted with trees and has completely changed in appearance.

It is hard to believe that this island of greenery is so close to the houses of Currier Lane and to Ashton's busy town centre.

See Bird's Eye View of this location.

(Click photo for larger version. Press Back button to return here.)

"Bank Top" is my contribution to this week's "My World" feature. Please check out the other blogs participating in this week's My World.


  1. used to play football on bank top

  2. That looks like a beautiful spot - islands of green in the middle of a city are always a joy to behold.

  3. wow it looks so busy - the one time I discovered this there was just one other person walking their dog.

  4. It looks like a peaceful, green place. Nice to see so many people enjoying their walk.

  5. What a delightful name! And isn't it wonderful to have that pretty green area for the residents of Ashton!
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  6. One of the walks with the Tameside Countryside Wardens goes through Bank Top. It is a lovely green oasis hidden from all the hustle and bustle of the town centre.


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