Monday 8 August 2011


For today's photo we open the world of Ashton a little wider with a visit to nearby Greenfield in Saddleworth.

If you take a train eastwards from Ashton, towards Huddersfield, the third stop (after Stalybridge and Mossley) is Greenfield. The railway here is winding along the side of the valley as it clims into the Pennines, so it is not surprising that this view, from just across the road from Greenfield Station, is looking down over the village of Greenfield itself.

The photo is looking along Chew Valley Road, running towards the distant steeple of St Mary's Church, with the steep hills surrounding Dovestones Reservoir in the background.

To the right, the modern building facing this way is The House That Isn't, featured on this blog three years ago..

See Bird's Eye View of this location.

(Click photo for larger version. Press Back button to return here.)

"Greenfield" is my contribution to this week's "My World" feature. Please check out the other blogs participating in this week's My World.


  1. Say hello from My World Tuesday! Aston looks lovely nestled among the green hills.

  2. great vantage point. i love the view of the hills.

  3. Hi there - what a great view - it been a long, long time since I've been in that part of the world!

    Cheers - Stewart M

  4. This hasn't changed at all since 1968 when I was last there.

  5. Oh, but it has, Ian! The man in the bottom left corner is walking past the entrance to the new Tesco store!

  6. Nice view and your photo, too.


  7. I guess in 1968, the old railway bridge would also still have been in this picture.

  8. Awesome! :) Such photos always make me feel at home, since we have a similar view nearby.

    call USA


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