Tuesday 1 November 2011

Red Railings

November's Theme Day is on the subject of "Fences". I imagine that railings count as fences? I do hope so, as I want to share this rather neat square of red railings around the War Memorial in Globe Square, in Ashton's neighbouring town of Dukinfield.

The railings, like the flower planters and the street lights, are painted in the distinctive browny-red with which all Dukinfield's street furniture is painted.

In a few days time the memorial will be adorned with wreaths of poppies to commemorate the men and women of Dukinfield who have fallen in the service of their country.

See Google Street View of this location.

(Click photo for larger version. Press Back button to return here.)

"Red Railings" is my contribution to this month's City Daily Photo Theme Day of "Fences". Please check out the other blogs taking part. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants.


  1. I had forgotten about the fences in New Mexico (and other places) that are often around gravesites, which this bright memorial fence reminds me of... The red poppies will be splendid are the memorial!

  2. Wonderful take on today's theme. I love the bright color. Can't miss it, can you?!

  3. Oh way too bright to be around here. Is Camilla behind this one?


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