Saturday 24 December 2011

Ashton Town Hall at Christmas

Today's photo shows Ashton's Town Hall at Christmas, complete with tree and decorative lights. It is seen looking from the front of the Market Hall.

Merr  Christmas  to all followers of this blog! Thank you for visiting.

(Click photo for larger version. Press Back button to return here.)

Next week I will show the Photo of the Year for 2011, which will be decided by you, the visitors, according to which photos have received the most support from the 5-star rating gizmo at the very bottom of each post (just above 'Add your comment'). Please don't forget to rate the photos, especially if it is one that you like! If you are bored over the Christmas holiday, you could always browse back through the photos and rate those that you like, if you have not been doing this at the time!


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