Tuesday 21 February 2012

ABC Wednesday: Fraser Street

Today's post for ABC Wednesday is F for Fraser Street.
Today's photo shows the smart terraced houses of Fraser Street, overlooking the Memorial Gardens near the centre of Ashton.

Fraser Street is one of several streets in the area whose names have Scottish connections. The stone plaque between the upstairs windows shows that the houses in this block were known as Derby Place, possibly a reference to the Earl of Derby.

The photo was taken towards the end of last year just as the leaves were starting to fall.

See Google Street View of this location.

(Click photo for larger version. Press Back button to return here.)

"Fraser Street" is a contribution to ABC Wednesday. For more "F" posts from around the world please follow this link.

Please leave a comment below and please rate this photo using the 5 star system below. The highest-ranking photos will be considered for the Photo of the Year at the end of 2012!


  1. I do love all the red brick buildings. You can tell they go back some time. Thanks for the photo.

  2. FINE-looking street
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  3. I love brick walls and this speaks beautyl

    ABC Wed

  4. Lovely Street.

    Forty Three

    Chubskulit, ABC Wednesday Team

  5. When you study the old town plans almost all terraced homes were named.
    In this picture, to the left was Handel Place and to the right Brighton Terrace.
    I just wish I could have been there during the building boom in the 19th century!


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