Tuesday 15 May 2012

ABC Wednesday: Rain

Today's post for ABC Wednesday is R for "Rain". Of course, being close to Manchester, rain is not something that we see very often, as you can tell from all the sunny scenes eleswhere on this blog!

However, it does occasionally precipitate in the town and, like many other towns, it can look a little miserable when the weather is bad.

The photo shows part of the Market Place in Ashton, with the Market Hall on the left and the Open Market to the right. Open markets are not the best places to be during downpours but there are still some hardy souls carrying on regardless. It is on days like this when you really appreciate the town having a splendid indoor market where you can forget the weather!

(Click photo for larger version. Press Back button to return here.)

"Rain" is a contribution to ABC Wednesday. For more "R" posts from around the world please follow this link.


  1. I like your rainy day shot. I'm sure the hardy souls with outdoor stalls wouldn't mind a little sun but it still looks very appealing. Carver ABC-Wed. Team

  2. Rain can definitely put a damper on shopping at the open air markets. thank goodness for Malls.

  3. i live in the desert, and it does not rain regularly here either

    radiation rampage

  4. one does need rain now and then. There's been a deficit in too much of the US.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  5. Vancouver, B.C. where I live is also considered to be a rainy place, but honestly, even as a cyclist, I quite appreciate the temperate climate. Bet you do too. Wonderful photograph of the open market. A good photographer can achieve amazing results in the rain :)

  6. Nice photo -- didn't know there were sunny parts of England!

  7. Oh!

    My new screen background


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