Tuesday 12 March 2013

ABC Wednesday: I Spy... IKEA?

Today's post for ABC Wednesday is I for "I Spy... IKEA?"

I Spy with My Little Eye, Something Beginning with "I". Hmmm. Whatever can that be? IKEA? Surely not. IKEA stores blend in so smoothly with their surroundings, don't they?

Well maybe, if you look carefully, you might just spot Ashton's IKEA store somewhere in this photo.

The picture shows the view looking from the tower of Ashton's Parish Church towards the Market Place with its brightly-coloured stalls. On the right is the Market Hall with part of the Town Hall just behind. Further back is part of the council office block, with the brick tower of the former Hop Pole pub to the left. Just to the left of the Market Place is the modern Arcades shopping mall and behind that... Oh, I think I may have spotted IKEA!

(Click photo for larger version. Press Back button to return here.)

"I Spy... IKEA?" is a contribution to ABC Wednesday. For more "I" posts from around the world please follow this link.


  1. Ikea jumped out at me with that royal blue. I like the perspective of this shot. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

  2. You can't get lost finding Ikea, but you might get lost inside the store!

    abcw team

  3. Very bluish! I've actually never shopped there!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  4. "I" for "impossible to miss"!
    My favourite thing about Ikea in Canada is the restaurant. Fascinating foods, at least to a western Canadian.
    Somehow, though, "I" never thought about Ikea in England, although I'm sure I don't know why.
    Interesting panoramic photo with the big blue building in the middle of it, blending into its surroundings, LOL.


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