Tuesday 11 June 2013

Victoria Street

Today's photo shows the view looking down Victoria Street, from its junction with William Street, in Ashton's West End.

Victoria Street was built, unsurprisingly, in the early years of Queen Victoria's reign, around 170 years ago. It was a straight and broad street lined mostly with small terraced houses. Those houses were demolished during a slum clearance programme and have since been replaced by modern houses with gardens. The road has been made narrower to create more areas of greenery. The only building in this part of Victoria Street that dates back to Victorian times is the Trafalgar Inn on the right of the photo.

In the far distance you can see the steeple of St Stephen's Church at Guide Bridge.

See Google Street View of this location.

(Click photo for larger version. Press Back button to return here.)

(Click photo for larger version. Press Back button to return here.)

"Victoria Street" is a contribution to ABC Wednesday. For more "V" posts from around the world please follow this link.


  1. My Nana lived on Victoria Street - in Vancouver, BC. lol

    abcw team

  2. It seems every city in the commonwealth must have a Victoria Street! We have one here in Kamloops, too. Victoria seems to have been as prolific in her namesakes as she was in children.

  3. Maybe because I was recently listening to the Kinks, but when I see Victoria, it reminds me of their song.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  4. Nice to see they expanded the green. I've a science background and when I think of Victoria, I always think of those genetic studies about her and hemophilia in the royals.

  5. Well that certainly is better than slums! Feels spacious and green.

    1. Vicxtoria Street was built straight and wide to link up with Wharfe Street and Whitelands. It was intended to serve the many mills along its route so as to provide them with a through route linking Stalybridge with Guide Bridge


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