Friday 4 January 2008

'S No Snow

So what happened to all the snow? Earlier in the week the weather forecasters were proclaiming that snow would be sweeping across the country by Thursday. Well, I waited patiently but all I noticed were a few brief periods of snow flurries, giving a very light dusting on the ground, which had all vanished again before long.

Okay, so the A1 was closed for a short time in Northumberland, but that doesn't count for much when you are on the Manchester side o' t'Pennines.

Is this winter Global Warming style? What happened to the good old-fashioned snows like we had in the 60s? I remember cars being abandoned overnight and buried under the snow on Lees Road in the late 70s. It just doesn't snow properly any more! There must be a generation of children growing up now who think that snow is a seasonal effect on some web sites at Christmas!

And have you noticed how the weather forecasters now seem to err deliberately on the bleak side with their forecasts? I have noticed a tendency towards this ever since Michael Fish was left with egg on his face in 1987 after saying that no hurricane was on the way the night before the worst storm in 200 years. [see video clip]

It now seems to be the case that if the forecasters warn us of terrible weather with gale force winds, typhoons and blizzards, then we are relieved or even pleased when it turns out to be a day of dull drizzle.


  1. Met with some friends recently and we were talking about how many words the English have for 'it's raining' (compare the Eskimos' 40 words for snow). Can you add to these:
    'mizzling, drizzling, raining (cats and dogs); pelting down, hailing, showery, bucketing down, pouring down and so on

  2. You're tempting us here Meg - I'm sure we all know some words that are best not put on here! One more acceptable phrase myself and a friend invented was "It's pleuting" (from the French 'Il pleut' meaning 'It is raining'). Also I remember "It's larraping down" - don't know where that came from though. A phase often used here on the Fylde and which I have never heard until I came here is "It's coming down in stairods".

  3. Downpour... the heavens opened... fine rain... tipping down... precipitation... chucking it doen... throwing it down... spitting... deluge...

  4. A friend of mine refers to very fine rain (the sort that doesn't look bad but which drenches you) as "wetting rain" and another calls it "closely knitted rain"


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