Saturday 5 January 2008

Totally tea-total?

This photo shows Molly Malone's bar in George Street, Ashton.

"The Advertiser" reports that the place has just had its licence taken away after alleged rowdy behaviour from some customers. [see report]

Walking around the area I am astonished at the number of bars that are now open until 4 am! To me, Ashton's night-life might as well be something that happens on another planet!

The building that now houses Molly Malone's has another, more sober claim to fame, for it was here that one Arthur Brooke was born. His father had a shop here selling loose tea. Arthur went on to set up the Brooke Bond Tea business to sell packaged tea.

A plaque outside the building celebrates this fact. (Click on image for larger version, then use Back button to return.)

I suppose tea is probably the strongest thing available at Molly Malone's for now?

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