Wednesday 20 January 2010

Ashton Moss

(Click photo for larger version. Press Back button to return here.)

"A" is for Ashton Moss. This was a large area of peat moss that extended almost to the centre of Ashton. Since Victorian times much of the Moss was used for market gardening, with many smallholdings.

In recent years the M60 motorway cut through the middle of the Moss and huge areas have been developed as retail, business and leisure areas. Yesterday's post shows the new hotel that has been built.

Today's photo was taken only a short distance from yesterday's, looking north across an area of derelict land and a few of the smallholdings that survive. Beyond the radio masts, a train can be seen heading from Ashton to Manchester.

On the extreme right of the photo you can see the signal box that appeared in this post. I wonder if that is the same train?

Ashton Moss was like a big sponge that would soak up water. Apparently, the residents of Littlemoss had a clear view of the buildings in Ashton across the Moss, except after heavy rain, when the saturated ground would rise and hide Ashton from view!

See Birds Eye View of this location.

"Ashton Moss" is a contribution to ABC Wednesday. For more "A" posts please follow this link.


  1. I like the idea of the interconnectedness with some of your earlier posts.

    As newly part of the ABC Wednesday team, I want to thank you for participating!

  2. Thank you Roger. I've been waiting for the new round to start, and then I almost missed it! My contribution was so late it has probably been missed by many of the regular ABC-hoppers!

  3. Well, I didn't know about Ashton moss, and I would never have guess that it would make the ground so much higher after rain! Sound like the sort of thing we need in areas prone to flooding!


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