Thursday 21 January 2010

Sky Watch: Communications Centre

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Look up towards the sky at Hurst Cross and you see the centre of communications here - this telephone pole! It has an array of cables radiating out to the houses on both sides of the road.

It is situated on Kings Road, close to the junction with Queens Road at Hurst Cross, in the north-eastern suburbs of Ashton.

The moody clouds somehow form a satisfying backdrop to the image.

See Birds Eye View of this location.

Sky Watch is a regular weekly feature on this photo blog. It links with websites all over the world with the general theme each week of looking upwards. Please take the opportunity to visit some of these other sites. I hope some new visitors have found their way here today, watching the skies!


  1. I have one just like that outside my house!

  2. An electric maypole!! Good shot.

  3. Interesting shot and a great sky!

  4. I see the natives are using the pavements as car parks - there should be some enforcement of the law on this.

  5. The photographic irony of the telephone life-lines and the distant gloom of the cemetery where the life-line ends.


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