Saturday 6 February 2010

Monochrome Moment: Albion Sunday School

(Click photo for larger version. Press Back button to return here.)

One of the grandest brick buildings in Ashton is the former Albion Sunday School on Penny Meadow. Unsurprisingly, when it opened in 1862, it was the largest Sunday School building in England.

Brick buildings often look well in black and white and this one, with its lighter banding and patterning, looks particularly good.

You can compare this image with the colour version here, where you will find a little more history.

The school is now an office furniture shop. Some visitors to this blog are not comfortable seeing fine old buildings being used for modern commercial purposes. However, they are no longer needed for their original purposes and, without a new use, would fall into dereliction and be lost. As long as the architectural character of an old building remains, I am happy to see it being put to s new use.

See Birds Eye View of this location.

This image is a contribution to Monochrome Weekend. Please follow the link to visit other sites taking part.


  1. That's a beautiful old building and lends itself to monochrome. You did a great job shooting it in a way that shows so much of its character and charm.

  2. It's a wonderful old building with great colors so even though I like both pictures the edge goes to color.

  3. Both version have there value, but maybe not the same ones. This one shows off the structure best.

  4. I really like the way the coloured bricks make such an intricate pattern. I agree that buildings like this should be preserved, whatever new use is made of them. Modern buildings don't seem to be made with such love.

  5. I like how the stripes look in B&W :)

  6. It looks good in mono - Armstrong's blue sign isn't so prominent - better a sensitive secular use than demolition in my book anyday.

  7. Very impressive! I guess teachers and pupils must feel kind of intimidated to go there :)

  8. I don't mind the reuse of a grand old structure like this one, but they could have been more discrete with their signage. Your image does the old girl proud.

  9. A wonderful structure! A perfect one for a monochrome! Nicely done!

    Pixellicious Photos

  10. Beautiful photo! I would always prefer to see an old building used for some modern purpose instead of letting it slowly decay or pulling it down - as long as the building isn't changed too much in the process.

  11. Isn't part of the Albion still used as a boxing club?


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