Tuesday 9 February 2010

Daisy Nook

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"D" is for "Daisy Nook" and this photograph, taken this afternoon, shows part of Daisy Nook Country Park, on the border between Ashton and Oldham.

The water in the picture is the junction of the Hollinwood Canal and the Fairbottom Branch. These are the forgotten canals of the area, which the Hollinwood Canal Society has been working to preserve, with the aim of eventual restoration.

See Birds Eye View of this location.

"Daisy Nook" is a contribution to ABC Wednesday. For more "D" posts from around the world please follow this link.


  1. Lovely, peaceful looking spot to ponder. I can see Canada Geese in the water. :D

  2. What a beautiful place! I could spend a whole lot of time there! Great capture for the day! Enjoy!


  3. Lovely tranquil place to just sit and enjoy. Nice post for the letter D.

  4. That does look lovely! Just the sort of place I'd like to walk Sid - in fact, it looks very similar to our own Cuckoo's Hollow.

    On behalf of the team, thank you for taking part in ABC Wednesday this week! :)

  5. Barren trees - my late father used to love to paint them. Lovely, though perhaps a tad melancholy.

  6. 'Daisy Nook Park' ...what a nice name. :)

  7. Love this place. I can imagine myself setting there and taking pictures.

    D is for Dad

  8. Wow.... Not the Daisy Nook I remember of the early 60's - born and bread in Lumb Lane just up road... !


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